Welcome to FCHS Cheer Blogspot!!! This blog has been created to keep you up to date with what we have going on! ENJOY!!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


All Girls need to make 2 posters for Homecoming week!
You have 2 weeks to complete these so there are no excusses.

Monday: Practice 2:30-4:15 wear the take the heat shirt with black shorts.

Tuesday: Practice 2:30-4:15 wear blue shirt with black shorts.

Wenesday: Junior Varsity Game. Time will be announced at practice. Jv wears black uniform. The varsity girls scheduled are Stephanie, Demi, and Charice. Varsity wear black metallic uniform. This game is away.

Thursday: Varsity game. Time will be announced at practice. Wear blue spandex uniform.

Friday: N/a enjoy your friday off.

Homecoming is next week!
If you don't know the days for next week look at the next blog!

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