Welcome to FCHS Cheer Blogspot!!! This blog has been created to keep you up to date with what we have going on! ENJOY!!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


For this week.....

Monday:practice 2:30-4:15
  • wear love to cheer with red shorts
  • erica's day
  • stunts and teach half of dance.

Tuesday: Practice 2:30-4:15
  • wear take the heat shirt with black shorts
  • stephanie's day
  • finishing dance and stunts with music.

Wednesday: N/a

Thursday: Varsity Football game.
  • Junior varsity will attend.
  • Playing Middleburg
  • game begins at 7:30pm
  • Bus leaves at 6pm
  • Be at the school at 5:50pm
  • Varsity wears the black metallic fchs uniform
  • Junior varsity wears the black uniform.
  • If the game changes to friday everything will stay the same but the day.
  • Erica will bring water for this game.

Friday: N/a

The following girls I need emails for. Please leave a comment or text me the email address.
  • Gabby
  • Stephanie
  • Janacia
  • Charice
  • Kirstie
  • Taylor Devoe
  • Taylor McCandless
  • Deshanay
  • Carrie
  • Chelsea
  • Demi
  • Danielle
  • Gina

I understand we did not hang up the signs this past week. I had a family emergency and was not able to attend the game. So some of you girls got off easy. If I or Ms. Shorter did not recieve ANY signs from you then I need them Monday at practice. You have had 2 weeks.