Welcome to FCHS Cheer Blogspot!!! This blog has been created to keep you up to date with what we have going on! ENJOY!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Hello Ladies,

This is just a reminder that practice will be on Mondays, Thursdays, and non-early release Wednesdays from now on from 2:40-4:20pm.

Ladies...PLEASE bring plenty of water to practice tomorrow and Thursday because you've got ALOT of work to do. Make sure that you eat lunch during school as well. All the complaining at practice needs to cease! Please come with the right attitudes ready to work!

When: Friday (August 27, 2010)
Who: First Coast vs. Bolles
Time: meet at the 50 yard line at 6:30pm sharp!
Attire: You are wearing the "Buc Head" uniform
Hair: All down...put curls in it...make it look presentable please. NO FLAT BORING HAIR!

Remember ad sales are due on Thursday at practice. If you still have ads to sell, make sure you talk to organization sponsors on campus (i.e. Ladies First, tennis, etc.). I hope you all have sold the amount you were required to sell. Remember WE NEED NEW UNIFORMS!

Some of you have demerits that are racking up quite rapidly. I suggest that you all take a look at the by-laws again and refresh your memories and re-adjust your priorities.

With all of that being said, have a wonderful afternoon/evening and I will see you all soon! :)

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