Welcome to FCHS Cheer Blogspot!!! This blog has been created to keep you up to date with what we have going on! ENJOY!!!

Monday, September 6, 2010


Hey Ladies!

Happy Labor Day! I hope you are all enjoying your day off. Unfortunately we will not have practice until Thursday afternoon. Wednesday is an early release and we can't have it this Tuesday.

You all did a fantastic job on Friday night! Keep it up throughout the entire season.

If you have ad money to turn in, please stop by my room after school, NOT during school because we are testing this week and I will not be in there.

Just a reminder if you did not sell any ads you are getting demerits and will have to pay out of pocket for the things we have coming up. You had the entire summer to sell ads and it will not be fair for you to reap the benefits of your team mates' hard work. :)

Well enough of that...

Have a great week at school and I will see you all at practice Thursday. Check back again on Wednesday for details about the JV and Varsity games for this week.

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