Welcome to FCHS Cheer Blogspot!!! This blog has been created to keep you up to date with what we have going on! ENJOY!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

This week in Cheer


Thank you all for showing the young Pop Warner girls such a great time last Friday. They had such a great time. You all did a WONDERFUL job in the pep rally! All of the challenging work definitely paid off! A big thank you goes out to Brandi's Mom for bringing us the copy of the song last minute!!! Another big thank you goes to JV for selling all of the seat cushions on Friday night! Great job ladies!

Here is what will be going on this week:

-Parent Meeting: Thursday right after practice in room Q209 (Shorter's Room). We will BRIEFLY discuss any issues/questions/concerns that any parent and/or cheerleader may have at this point.

-JV Game: FCHS vs. Camden County (AWAY) We will be leaving at 5:15pm, directly after the meeting. Please bring something to eat because we will not be stopping. Same uniform as last week, hair half up/half down.

-Varsity Game: FCHS vs. Ribault (HOME @ 7:00pm) Please be on the track no later than 6:30pm. Same uniform, hair in a ponytail.

Have a great week in school!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

This Week in Cheer!

Hello Ladies and Parents,

Thursday's JV game will be away at Raines High School. The game is at 6:00pm. Please meet in the bus loading zone no later than 5:00pm. You are wearing the halter uniform from camp again. Hair is to be in a ponytail.

Friday night Varsity will be playing Andrew Jackson here at home. The game is at 7:00pm. Please meet on the track in your spandex uniform no later than 6:30pm. Hair is to be in a ponytail.
(JV we need you at the game on Friday night to sell seat cushions. You will wear the same uniform as the first JV game.) Please note that this friday night is Pop Warner night so we will be sharing the track with 100 more girls!!! :)

We will be measuring you all for uniforms on Thursday at practice so please make sure you are in attendance. We will also be practicing the dance for the pep rally on Friday.

Please remind your parents that there will be a Parent/Cheerleader meeting next Thursday, September 22, 2011 right after practice at 4:20pm

That's all for now.
See you all at practice tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Hi ladies,

This is just a reminder that the JV game against Terry Parker is going to be home NOT away.
JV is wearing the halter top uniform from camp.
Hair is to be in a pony tail
You are to be ready at the track no later than 5:30pm.
Please do NOT be late. If you are, demerits will be issued.

Also this is a reminder for EVERYONE to turn in POMS to Mrs. Bryant or myself before the end of this week.

Varsity if you haven't turned in all of your uniforms besides the spandex uniform, you need to turn those in as well.

Have a great remainder of the week.

Monday, September 5, 2011

This week in Cheer!!!

Hi Ladies!

You all did a fabulous job for your first games of the season! We are so proud of you all! Below are pictures from each game for you girls to enjoy! But first here is what you need to know for this week:

Practice will be on Tuesday and Thursday this week because of the Labor Day holiday on Monday (2:40pm-4:20pm)

  1. JV game is AWAY at Terry Parker this Thursday, September 8, 2011. Meet in the parking lot at 5pm. You all will be wearing the halter uniform from camp.

  2. There is no Varsity game this week so enjoy your Friday night off!

Taylor, Abby, Jessica, Maya, and Holli

Holli ready for the next cheer!
Something's got Nylah laughing!

Smile for the camera Megan! We love our JV!

Taylor M. and Taylor "Lately"
Carrie and Layton
Dominique, Allysa, and Alexis
Victory and Amoni

Tiera and Alexis

Taylor "Maria"
Angel and Kaitlin

That's all for now! Do well in your classes this week! See you at practice.