Welcome to FCHS Cheer Blogspot!!! This blog has been created to keep you up to date with what we have going on! ENJOY!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

This Week in Cheer!

Hello Ladies and Parents,

Thursday's JV game will be away at Raines High School. The game is at 6:00pm. Please meet in the bus loading zone no later than 5:00pm. You are wearing the halter uniform from camp again. Hair is to be in a ponytail.

Friday night Varsity will be playing Andrew Jackson here at home. The game is at 7:00pm. Please meet on the track in your spandex uniform no later than 6:30pm. Hair is to be in a ponytail.
(JV we need you at the game on Friday night to sell seat cushions. You will wear the same uniform as the first JV game.) Please note that this friday night is Pop Warner night so we will be sharing the track with 100 more girls!!! :)

We will be measuring you all for uniforms on Thursday at practice so please make sure you are in attendance. We will also be practicing the dance for the pep rally on Friday.

Please remind your parents that there will be a Parent/Cheerleader meeting next Thursday, September 22, 2011 right after practice at 4:20pm

That's all for now.
See you all at practice tomorrow.

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