Welcome to FCHS Cheer Blogspot!!! This blog has been created to keep you up to date with what we have going on! ENJOY!!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Coming Up

Hello Everyone!

As the year comes to a close, our work is just beginning!  Here is a list of things coming up!

1.) Krispy Kreme Fundraiser:  Sale, sale, sale!!!  Everyone is responsible for selling at least 10 boxes of donuts for $7.00 ($70.00).  We will have a meeting after school on Thursday for you to turn in orders and money and pick up uniforms. For those of you in middle school, we will be at school until 5pm for you to turn in your orders.

2.) Parent/ Cheer Meeting:  Please arrange to attend the parent meeting next Monday, June 4th at 5:30pm in Ms. Shorter's room (Q209).  Please tell your parents to park in the faculty parking lot and come up the back Q-hall  stairs.  At this meeting you will receive your donuts to distribute, pay your second cheer assessment of $250.00, and discuss camp and events for the summer.

See you all tomorrow!

Friday, May 25, 2012


Hi Everyone!!!

You all did an amazing job and I am happy to announce the 2012-2013 First Coast High School Cheerleaders...but before I do, here is a few pictures from this week.
Holly posing for the camera!

 Alexis, Teara, and Jorri ready to run the mile!

Abby and Kaitlin making silly faces!  Whatever it takes to prep yourself for the mile.

Are you trying to eat my camera Jessica? LOL!
Keep that pace Kaitlin!

Jorri takes the lead!

Forming bonds already!  Love it!

Time for try-outs!!!!!
Briana Christmas                 
 Maya Turner            
Alexis Grimes                     
 Nylah Mayo
Teara Jackson                      
Holly Propper
Malia Davis                       
Jourdin Stafford 
Kaitlyn Mechum               
Jorri Ford
Nehtia Frederick               
Shanel Mitchell
Jailyn Tate                        
Tequiero Wesley
Danielle Roberts                
Jordan Colbert

Alexis Grant
Liberty Denson
Kaylie Arnold
Jessica Lloyd
Taylor Creel
Ancuria Gadsden
Danielle Davis
Kali Poppell
Tiera Kirkland
Kaitlin Jordan
Alyssa Figueroa
Layton Gordon
Angel Lilly
Charnissa Jones
Dominique Jackson
Gabriel Taylor
Katie Simmons
Brandi Wilkinson
Abby Johnston

GREAT JOB EVERYONE and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!  Get ready for a wonderful year of cheer!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Try-Out Cheer and Chant

CHANT: Dedicated to domination, were the buccaneer football nation! 

CHEER: Come on crowd get ready 
              Cause we have just begun 
              To prove to you once again 
              Why we are number XX 1                    
              The blue silver and black 
              Are reaching for the top
                First Coast Bucs
                Can't be stopped!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Try-outs Next Week!!!!

Hello Ladies,

Try-outs are almost here and we are so excited for the new things we have planned for the upcoming school year!   Please go to www.classconnection.org/shorterk and read the FCHS Try-out agenda to familiarize yourself with the order of events for next weeks cheer clinic.  This is also a gentle reminder that there is a $20.00 try-out fee due on Monday, the first day of cheer clinic in order to participate.  Have a great day!

Monday, May 14, 2012

End Of Year Banquet

Hello Ladies, 

This has been a long year and it's almost time to power up again for try-outs!  But ofcourse we have to do a little celebrating first so we will be having our End of Year Banquet at school this year!!!  It will be held on Thursday, May 17, 2012 at 5:00pm in the school media center.  It will be an informal event so the attire is business casual.  Due to limited space and food we're asking that you not invite any guests for this event.  It will only be for the cheerleading squads and sponsors.  Please plan to attend.  There will be a presentation, awards, and dinner.   If you have any pictures that you would like to include in the slide show, please email them to me no later than Wednesday.  We're looking forward to seeing all of your lovely faces on Thursday! 
