Welcome to FCHS Cheer Blogspot!!! This blog has been created to keep you up to date with what we have going on! ENJOY!!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Coming Up

Hello Everyone!

As the year comes to a close, our work is just beginning!  Here is a list of things coming up!

1.) Krispy Kreme Fundraiser:  Sale, sale, sale!!!  Everyone is responsible for selling at least 10 boxes of donuts for $7.00 ($70.00).  We will have a meeting after school on Thursday for you to turn in orders and money and pick up uniforms. For those of you in middle school, we will be at school until 5pm for you to turn in your orders.

2.) Parent/ Cheer Meeting:  Please arrange to attend the parent meeting next Monday, June 4th at 5:30pm in Ms. Shorter's room (Q209).  Please tell your parents to park in the faculty parking lot and come up the back Q-hall  stairs.  At this meeting you will receive your donuts to distribute, pay your second cheer assessment of $250.00, and discuss camp and events for the summer.

See you all tomorrow!

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