Welcome to FCHS Cheer Blogspot!!! This blog has been created to keep you up to date with what we have going on! ENJOY!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Practice/Last weeks HomeComing Game (FCHS vs. YULEE)/ This Week in Cheer

Hey girls,

There wont be practice this week so you all can study hard for this weeks finals and we can do after school tutoring with our students. Last week you all did a fantastic job at the pep rally and game. We also had a great time at the Breast Cancer walk last Saturday (pics coming later this week)

Here's what's going on this week:
Monday: Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night! 5-10pm
Thursday: JV has their last game against Wolfson at FCHS (hair in a ponytail, halter uniform)
Friday: Varsity there is no game this friday ENJOY YOUR NIGHT OFF!!!

We will be ordering warm-ups soon. If you didn't fundraise, you will have to pay for your warm-up.
Please study hard for your exams! (Remember school comes first!)

Here are the pictures from last Friday night's Homecoming Game!!!

Ready for the players to bust through the banner!!!

Buccy, "Black & Blue" (Our Spirited Mascots)

Brandi showing Alexis some love!

" Hey girls! Pose for the camera!"

Buccy likes to flirt!

Cute, cute, cute, and cute!

D-E-F-E-N-S-E......ooops, we're on offense.....O-F-F-E-N-S-E!

One of our own was Homecoming Dutchess!!!!! YAAAY!!!!

Is "Blue" getting fresh with the homecoming dutchess?

Cheer Girls!

Look at that Kodak smile!

Poor thing fell and hurt her ankle.....OUCH!


"Not another picture"


Let's do a stunt.

She looks like a hummingbird! Cool!

Ok lets decide whowe want to throw these tshirts to.

Well...it is going to be Halloween soon. She was practicing her scary face....

The Bucs believe in finding a cure!
Great Game Ladies!!!

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