Welcome to FCHS Cheer Blogspot!!! This blog has been created to keep you up to date with what we have going on! ENJOY!!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Hello Everyone,

Mon-Fri Oct. 10-14: FCHS Homecoming Wk (Please participate in each spirit day)

Friday, October 14: FCHS Homecoming Game FCHS vs. Yulee: Varsity only (Ad Books will not be ready until next Friday)

Saturday, October 15: Breast Cancer Walk: Everyone is expected to attend. Parents are welcomed to come along. We will meet in the parking lot at school at 8am on Saturday morning and drive together to the walk. Wear Breast Cancer shirt and pink soffees.

Monday, October 17, 2011:
Chik-Fil-A Spirit Night: We will have shifts for each girl to sign up for. You are going to wear your FCHS Jersey and make signs for this event. This is a fundraiser so please inform as many people as possible about this spirit night. The times are from 5pm-close.

That's all for now ladies!!!

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