Welcome to FCHS Cheer Blogspot!!! This blog has been created to keep you up to date with what we have going on! ENJOY!!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Hello Ladies,

Here are just a few updates.

1.) We are still waiting, patiently on our Dominos Pizza cards to arrive. We will let you know as soon as we get them (Which should be next week at the latest). I contacted the company and there was a glitch that held up shipping. The problem has been solved and they should be on the way.

2.) We need 3-4 of you to participate in the opening ceremony for baseball this Saturday. Please let me know if you can do it. I also need one of you to be Buccy. It is only from 7:45am to 9:00am at Dunn's Creek Park. You will wear the new uniform without the sleeves.

3.) Football and Basket ball season is over so we won't have anymore practices until try-outs, however, there are several little activites that we've been asked to participate in for FCAT season so be ready for that. I will inform you as those dates get closer.

4.) Try-outs will be in April or May. We haven't decided on the exact date yet because we have to arrange it around FCAT and EOC testing. In the meantime, please make sure you have a current physical ready. The fee for this year will be between $400-$500. Please plan accordingly.

That is all for now. Talk to you all soon!

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